现聘任导师二级学科名称: 计算机应用技术
主要研究方向及特色: 本人在高性能计算、分布式系统、网格计算等领域具有扎实的理论基础和研究积累,在分布式系统调度,尤其在调度算法设计和评估、系统仿真模拟和实时调度判定等方面进行了多年的研究,在本领域权威的国际期刊和国际会议上发表了多篇论文,研究成果得到国内外同行的一致好评。
电子信箱: yulei@buaa.edu.cn
办公电话: 82339761
办公地点: 北航教学2号楼
通信地址: 学院路37号,北航中法工程师学院
1990 年-1994 年,西安交通大学,计算机科学与技术系,学士
2004 年-2005 年,法国贝桑松大学,信息工程学院,硕士
2005 年-2008 年,法国巴黎中央理工大学,应用数学实验室,博士
2005 年-2008 年,法国巴黎中央理工大学,应用数学实验室,助教
2009 年-2011 年,北京航空航天大学,中法工程师学院,讲师
2011 年-今,北京航空航天大学,中法工程师学院,副教授
[1]Teng, F., Yu, L. and Magoules, F.: Reliability comparison of schedulability test in ubiquitous computing.
In Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, pages
550-562,Springer, 2011.(EI)
[2] Teng, F., Yu, L. and Magoules, F.: A reliability indication method for constant-time admission control. In
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its
Applications, pages 199-209, IEEE Computer Society, 2011.(EI)
[3] Teng, F., Yu, L. and Magoules, F.: Scheduling performance of real-time tasks on MapReduce cluster. In
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Embedded and Multimedia Computing, pages,
365-374,Springer, 2011. (EI)
[4] Teng, F., Yu, L. and Magoules, F.: SimMapReduce: A simulator for modeling MapReduce framework. In
Proceedings of the 5th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, pages
277-282. IEEE Computer Society, 2011. (EI)
[5]Yu, L., Magoulès, F.: Service scheduling and rescheduling in an applications integration framework. in
Advances in Engineering Software Volume 40 , Issue 9 (September 2009), Pages: 941-946. (SCI)
[6]Yu, L., Magoulès, F.: Towards dynamic integration, scheduling and rescheduling of scientific applications.
in Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology Volume 2 , Number 3 (September 2008), Pages:
391-408. (SCI source)
[7]Yu, L., Magoulès, F.: A Framework for Dynamic Deployment of Scientific Applications Based on WSRF.
in International Conference Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2007) , Pages: 579-589. (EI)
[8]Yu, L., Magoulès, F.: Towards Dynamic Integration and Scheduling of Scientific Applications. in
DCABES 2007, Pages: 449-453. (EI)
[9]Magoulès, F., Yu, L. and Nguyen, T.: Grid Resource Management: Towards Virtual and Services
Compliant Grid Computing, CRC Press, September 2008. (Book)
[10] Yu, L., Magoulès, F.: Fault Tolerance for Distributed Scheduling in Grids, in Fundamentals of Grid
Computing: Theory, Algorithms and Technologies, CRC Press, December, 2009 .(Chapter)
申请者作为青年骨干教师,参与过国家863 主题项目“智慧城市(一期)”、国际科技合作项目“大飞机全生命周期数据活化和网络服务技术联合研发”、海外优秀人才等多项科研项目。申请者将承担项目整 体规划、实时作业可调度性判定研究、实时调度算法优化等关键问题攻关以及对参与的博士和硕士研究生进行指导的工作。
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