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  张雁云 ,教授、博士生导师
  博士,教授,山西大同人,1970年出生,1993年毕业于北京师范大学生物系,2001年获北京师范大学鸟类学方向博士学位。2005-2006在德国Mainz大学进修。 任中国动物学会鸟类学分会秘书长、《动物学研究》、《生物学通报》编委。获北京市青年师德标兵(2004年)、北京市优秀教学成果一等奖(2012,第3完成人)、北京市优秀教师(2013)、国家自然科学二等奖(2000,第3完成人)。


  Xia CW, Wei CT, Lloyd H, Liu JY, Wu Q, Zhang YY*. Dawn Singing Intensity of the Male Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler: Effects of Territorial Insertions and Number of Neighbors. Ethology,2014, 120:34-330.
  Xia CW, Liu JY, Alstrom P, Wu Q, Zhang YY*. Is the soft song of the brownish-flanked bush warbler an aggressive signal? Ethology. 2013, 119:653-661.
  Dong L, Heckel G, Liang W, Zhang YY*. Phylogeography of silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera L.) across China: aggregate effects of refugia, introgression and riverine barriers. Molecular Ecology, 2013, 22:3376- 3390. 封面文章
  Xia CW, Lin XL, Liu W, Lloyd H, Zhang YY*. Acoustic identification of individuals within large avian populations: A case study of the Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler, south-central China. PLoS ONE, 2012,7: e42528.
  Wei M, Lloyd H and Zhang YY*. Neighbour-stranger discrimination by Yellow-bellied Tit Parus venustulus: evidence for the 'dear-enemy' effect. Journal of Ornithology. 2011, 152:431–438
  Dong L, Zhang J, Sun Y, Liu Y, Zhang YY*, Zheng GM. Phylogeographic patterns and conservation units of a vulnerable species, Cabot’s tragopan (Tragopan caboti), endemic to southeast China. Conservation Genetics,2010,11(6):2231-2242.
  Xia CW, Xiao H, and Zhang YY*. Individual Variation in Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler songs. Condor, 2010, 112(3) :591–595.
  McGowan P*, Zhang YY, Zhang ZW. Galliformes - barometers of the state of applied ecology and wildlife conservation in China. Journal of Applied Ecology,2009, 46: 524-526.
  Sun Y, Dong L, Zhang YY*, Zheng GM and Browne SJ. Is a forest road a barrier for the Vulnerable Cabot's tragopan Tragopan caboti in Wuyishan, Jiangxi, China? Oryx. 2009, 43:614–617.







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