姓名 GONG Jianwei
职称 Assoc Prof. 博导 硕导
学院及专业 School of Mechanical Engineering
办公地址 301 Vehicle Building
邮编 100081
办公电话 ************
邮件 gongjianwei@bit.edu.cn
Intelligent vehicle/mobile robot related research areas including motion planning,mobility control, environmental perception, sensing, and vehicle active safety control
(1)Zhang H, Gong J, Jiang Y, Xiong G, Chen H. Research on Incremental Heuristic Path Planner with Variable Dimensional State Space. Acta Automatica Sinica. Vol39(1), 2013.1: 1-9.
(2)Jiang Y, Zhao X, Gong J, Xiong G, Chen H. System Design of Self-driving in Simplified Urban Environments. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol.48(20), 2012.10: 103-112.
(3) Zhang H, Gong J, Jiang Y, Xiong G, Chen H. An iterative linear quadratic regulator based trajectory tracking controller for wheeled mobile robot. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics). Vol.13(8), 2012: 593-600.
01/2013-12/2016. Modeling Analysis of Optimal Motion Planning and Control for High Speed Ground Vehicle Active Hazard Avoidance. National Natural Science Foundation of China. (PI)
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