姓名:左胜鹏 性别:男 出生年月:197909 职称:副教授 学院:生命科学学院 研究方向: &
•1998.09 – 2002.07 西北农林科技大学 资源环境学院 农业环境保护 学士
•2002.09 – 2007.07 中科院教育部水土保持与生态环境研究中心 化学生态学 博士
•2007.07 – 2009.12 安徽师范大学 环境科学学院 讲师
•2010.01 – 现在 安徽师范大学 环境科学与工程学院 副教授、硕士生指导教师
四、 目前主持或参与研究的主要课题
五、 主要研究成果
(一) 论文
•Mei H, Zuo S P*, Ye L T et al. Review of the application of the traditional Chinese medicinal herb Ranunculus sceleratus L. J. Med. Plants Res., 2012, 6:1821-1826.
•Zuo S P, Mei H, Wang J et al. Effects of water quality characteristics on the algicidal property of Alternanthera philoxeroides in an aquatic ecosystem. Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 2012, 43:93-100.
•Zuo S P, Mei H, Ye L T et al. Effect of eutrophication on cyanobacteria inhibition by Alternanthera philoxeroides. Sci. Res. Essays, 2011, 6:6584-6593.
•Zuo S P, Ye L T and Mei H. Physiological basis for allelopathic potential of different wheat cultivars in heading period on the Loess Plateau of China. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 2011, 10: 9786-9795.
•Zuo S P, Li X W and Ma Y Q. Response of transgenic potato seedlings to allelopathic pressure and the effect of nutrients in the culture medium. Acta Ecol. Sin., 2010, 30: 226-232.
•Zuo S P and Ma Y Q. Ecological adaptation of weed biodiversity to allelopathic rank from stubbles left of wheat genotypes in maize field. Weed Biol. Manag., 2008, 8: 161-171.
•Zuo S P and Ma Y Q. Sawtooth effect in allelopathy: the case of wheat stubbles allelopathy. Allelopathy J., 2008, 21: 287-298.
•Zuo S P, Ma Y Q and Inanaga S. Allelopathic variation in dryland wheat grown in the Loess Plateau. Genet. Resour. Crop. Ev., 2007, 54: 1381-1393.
•Zuo S P and Ma Y Q. A preliminary study on the method based on system engineering theory for the evaluation of allelopathic potential in crops and its application. Agri. Sci. in China. 2006, 39:530-537.
•Zuo S P, Ma Y Q, Deng X P et al. Allelopathy in wheat genotypes during the germination and seedling stages. Allelopathy J., 2005, 15: 21-30.
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